any time you have
a perfect overview of the safe operation of your household –
the alarm system, fire detectors, camera system and infra-red
bolts. When
you leave the house, one touch will activate the
alarm, pull down the blinds, switch off the lights
and turn off the chosen sockets. In case of any
nonstandard event you are informed via SMS
(decreasing of the temperature in the fish tank,
power cut or fallout in heating system etc.)

to the temperature outside inHome automatically regulates
the outdoor blinds and optimalizes the operation of the
heating, air-condition and recuperation. In case
of rain it automatically closes the rooflights,
in case of wind it draws back the terrace blinds.
inHome never forgets to turn off the lights if there
is nobody in the room and sets the optimal
intensity of lighting with regard to the light outside
and your activity.

integration of alternative sources and their optimal and
effective operation in connection to the low-energetic or
passive buildings makes the
inHome system very environmentally friendly.